Sunday, October 19, 2014

Toad in the Hole

    4 large, fresh eggs, measured in a jug
    2/3 cup milk
    2/3 cup plain/all purpose flour
      Pinch of salt
    2 tbsp vegetable oil
    6 sausages, partially fried

    Heat the oven to the highest temperature possible.
    Pour the eggs, milk and flour into a large, roomy, mixing bowl with the pinch of salt. Using an electric hand beater or hand whisk beat to form a thick, smooth, airy batter . Leave to stand for a minimum of 30 minutes, longer if possible - up to several hours.
    10 minutes before the end of the batter resting time, place a tablespoon of oil into a roasting tin. Space the sausages evenly. Place the tray in the preheated oven and heat until the fat is slightly smoking.
    Give the batter another good whisk then pour into the hot, roasting tin. Please be careful, the fat may splutter when the batter is added. The batter should cover the whole of the bottom of the tin and be approx 3/4 " deep. If you have batter leftover, don't worry, you can always make extra Yorkshire puddings, see notes below.
    Return the tin to the oven to cook until golden brown approx 20-25 mins.

    Serve the Toad in the Hole with gravy and fresh seasonal vegetables

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